S  — LAMAbpo

Time Limit: 10 sec
Memory Limit: 32 MB

LAMAbpo is a Lithuanian organization which decides whether to admit the student to university or not. In this task your are required to write an application for a part of the LAMAbpo system. Given the score for each of the study programmes included in the application of high-school graduates you have to find the results of the admissions.

Essentially, the application includes: the list of study programmes ordered by priority from highest to lowest (application entry) and the personal data of a graduate. The contest is performed as indicated in the rules below:

Be aware, that if you mark an entry as considered you must be sure that either a contestant may not be accepted to the study programme or he must be accepted to this study programme.


You are given a single test. The test starts with a number of study programmes S and a number of high-school graduates M. S and M are separated by a single space. Then a list of study programmes follows. Each study programme description consists of 2 lines:

There may not be 2 programmes with the same identification code in the input file and total number of entries of all study programmes will not exceed E (E ≤ 200000).

The description of the study programmes is followed by M applications. Each application consits of the following lines:


You have to output a list of study programmes in order as they appear in the input file with the following information:


2 4
620 2
621 1
Simas Simaitis
2 9529032
620 10.5
621 10.0
Jonas Jonaitis
1 3984329
621 11.5
Erika Erikaite
2 2499345
621 11.5
620 11.5
Vaclovas Vaclovaitis
2 1451044
621 9.5
620 20.5


1. Vaclovas Vaclovaitis
2. Erika Erikaite
1. Jonas Jonaitis

Problem by: Aleksej Viktorchik; Leonid Sislo
Huge Easy Contest #2